They tell you… YOU CAN SAVE $300!
It seems as though every insurance company on the radio or TV is promising a savings of $300 or more on your auto insurance. Hmmm, how is that possible? If everyone could save me $300 would I not be getting it for free?
How about the company that cuts out the middle man and what did happen to the middle man? Well the middleman is doing just fine and is providing excellent service to the insurance public. So let me get this straight, this company does not have an agent to service your insurance, represent you or counsel you regarding your insurance needs and problems. So they do not have professional agents but take all your money and spend it on multi-millions of dollars in advertising. For some reason this does not should like a good deal to me.
Then we have the “Safe Company” that will sell you minimum limits and make you legal. Oh great so I will be legal but if I have an at fault accident it could cost me more then the minimum limits and I still pay. If it is a serious claim I could end up paying for years or even for life. “Wow what a bargain.”
I think I will look for a profession agent, as high a limits as I can afford and all the discounts including multi policy I can get. Ever wonder why these odd-ball companies never talk about homeowners insurance, umbrella policies or any of the other policies you may need and want.
At the Leadership Insurance Agency, Inc. you get professional agents who participate in many hours of continuing education every year. Leadership offers rates that are competitive with any company. Leadership may not always be the lowest premium, but will be most of the time. Leadership will always offer the best in coverage at the lowest possible price. When you call the Leadership Agency you talk to a real person not an automated menu of 40 questions.
Why would anyone want to buy insurance anywhere!